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Year 5 Mobile Phone policy 2025

Dear Parent/Carer, 


In preparation for your children moving into Year 6, I wanted to make you aware that we are removing our practice of permitting Year 6 children to be alone before school on the site.  The safety of the children is our key concern and over the year we have seen that the children need close supervision from parents in the morning.  You will therefore need to supervise your child until they are collected by the teacher at 8.45am. For those with siblings in the other classes the arrangement of them walking from the side playground to the main playground at 8.45am will still be acceptable.


From the summer term 2025, if you would like to, you will be able to give your child permission to walk home alone, or with a group that you organise.  


There is no requirement for the children to have a mobile phone at Ash Grange. Phones are not permitted in school.  If you want your child to have a phone with them when they walk home in Summer 25, then they may bring it to school.  It must be turned off on the school site, put in the school mobile storage unit at the start of the school day and collected from there at the end of the day.  Mobile phones are only permitted on the days that they walk home alone.


Best wishes

Scopay School Shop